Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Tips Merawat komputer

Salah satu hal yang paling penting yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk melindungi kesehatan komputer Anda agar tidak jauh dari debu.Ini berarti debu dekat sering, debu, dan tidak menyimpannya di tempat tersembunyi gelap seperti lemari atau di bawah meja. Jika Anda menggunakan laptop, menggunakannya pada permukaan datar yang bersih. Hindari pengaturan di lantai atau di atas selimut, terutama untuk jangka waktu yang lama.

1. Jika Anda benar-benar harus menyimpan komputer Anda di bawah meja, jangan pernah menginjakkan langsung di atas karpet.Sebaliknya, gunakan sesuatu seperti roller tikar plastik di atas karpet, di bawah meja. Ada dua alasan yang sangat penting untuk ini. Satu, seperti yang disebutkan di atas, adalah menghindari debu kelebihan karpet pelabuhan dan menghasilkan. Yang lainnya adalah bahwa Anda perlu untuk menghindari listrik statis, yang menghasilkan massa karpet.

2. Membersihkan layar LCD
Sangat penting bahwa Anda menggunakan metode yang benarmenghapus semuanya. Cara termurah dan teraman untuk membersihkan layar adalah dengan menggunakan kain katunyang sangat lembut ringan dibasahi dengan air. Atau, Anda dapat membeli khusus satu-menggunakan tisu untuk tujuan khususpembersih monitor. Hal ini penting, meskipun, bahwa Anda tidak pernah menggunakan gelas-produk pembersih atau bahan kimia lainnya untuk membersihkan monitor anda. Banyak, seperti Windex, akan gagal untuk membersihkannya, tetapi mereka juga akan makan jauh di layar, mungkin membakar lubang ke dalamnya dan merusak secara permanen.

3.Sediakan UPS, Sering kali tegangan listrik turun-naik atau bahkan mati tiba-tiba akan berdampak kurang baik pada PC , terutama PC yang sudah lama, akan mengakibatkan rusaknya Power Supply, rusaknya Hardisk, bahkan Morherboard.Terutama hardisk, hardisk perlu kesetabilan saat bekerja, bila tiba-tiba listrik mati terjadilah kejutan yang bisa menyebabkan tergoresnya track tecordingnya maka timbulah bad sector, bad sector hanya bisa dilihat jika kita check lewat scandisk. bad sector tidak bisa di isi file untuk operasional system maupun menyimpan data, sehingga akan mengurangi kapasitas hardisk itu sendiri. Karena itu di usahakan agar disediakan UPS atau External battery sebagai pengaman bila terjadi mati lampu maka komputer tetap hidup untuk beberapa waktu, sehingga masih ada kesempatan untuk mematikan komputer sesuai prosedur.

4. Gunakan Antivirus yang selalu update database nya karena jenis2 virus bertambah setiap bulanya dan semakin berbahaya seperti virus brontok, worm, dll 

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare RIP PC Mediafire MF

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare RIP PC Mediafire MF

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 

The only real catch is that the single-player is almost shockingly short. If you've been keeping up with this style of game, you'll probably shoot your way to the credits in under five hours. While you can raise the difficulty to give yourself more of a challenge, the main thing this does is make the enemies frustratingly deadly, which sort of detracts from the fun.

While it may have a lack of single-player quantity, it makes up for most of it with its quality. The game tells its story from multiple perspectives, and you'll play as a new British SAS operative as well as a US Marine. The campaign takes you from a rainy night out at sea on a boat that's in the process of sinking to a missile silo where it's on you to save millions from an unsavory nuclear-powered death. Along the way, there are plenty of jaw-dropping moments where you'll look around the room for someone to whom you can say, "I can't believe that just happened." In a world filled with war games in which the good guys come out unscathed and the world is left at total peace, Call of Duty 4 will wake you up like a face full of ice water.

The action in the campaign is usually very straightforward. You have a compass at the bottom of your screen, and the direction of your current objective is very plainly marked. But getting from point A to point B is never as simple as running in a straight line, as you'll be conducting full-scale assaults in Middle Eastern countries by moving from house to house, taking out what seems like a never-ending stream of enemy troops along the way. You'll also get an opportunity to raid Russian farmhouses in search of terrorist leaders, disguise yourself as the enemy, and, in one sequence, don a brushlike ghillie suit and crawl through the brush as enemy troops and tanks roll right past you. It's a breathtaking moment in acampaign filled with breathtaking moments. Unfortunately, it's about half as long as the average shooter, and there are plenty of sequences where you wish there were just one or two more hills to take.

Minimum Specs: 
- CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
- RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
- Harddrive: 8GB of free hard drive space
- Video card (generic): NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800Pro or better

Recommended Specs: 
- CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core or better is recommended
- RAM: 1GB for XP; 2GB for Vista is recommended
- Harddrive: 8GB of free hard drive space
- Video card: 3.0 Shader Support recommended. Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better or ATI Radeon X1800 or better

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)


Assasin's Creed PC

Assassin's Creed Mediafire PC

 Assassin's Creed is a third person action-adventure title developed and published by Ubisoft. The game mixes elements stealth, action, and platforming to create a very unique experience. The game also incorporates real historical information and figures from the age of the Crusades. Assassin's Creed is also the very first game to make use of Ubisoft's Scimitar engine.

Minimum system requirements:
# OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Vista
# CPU: Intel Pentium D 2.6Ghz or Athlon 64 X2 3800 +
# RAM: 2Gb
# GPU: 256Mb DirectX 9.0 or 10.0-compatible with support for Shader Model 3.0
# SOUND: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0-compatible
# HDD: 12Gb

Recommended system requirements:
# OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Vista SP1
# CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400 + and above
# RAM: 3Gb
# GPU: 512Mb DirectX 9.0 or 10.0-compatible with support for Shader Model 3.0
# SOUND: DirectX 9.0-compatible or 10.0 (5.1)
# HDD: 16Gb


The Sims 3 World Adventure

he Sims 3: World Adventures [2009] | PC Game | Genre: Strategy (Add-on)
Developer: The Sims Studio | Publisher: Electronic Arts | Language: Multi21

Send the characters in an unforgettable trip to add "The Sims 3 World adventure." Lead them towards success or failure. Send wards in distant lands in search of hidden treasures.
If successful, they are waiting for new skills, new traits and awards. Explore the ancient catacombs of the Egyptian pyramids, to teach martial arts in the Far East and familiarize yourself with exquisite and rich culture of France. Adventures are waiting for, get ready - and in the way!
Minimum System Requirements:
• PC OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7
• Processor: (XP) 2,0 GHz P4 or equivalent, (Vista or Windows 7) 2.4 GHz P4 or equivalent
• RAM: (XP) 1 GB; (Vista or Windows 7) 1,5 GB
• Hard disk: at least 3, * 5 GB of free space and at least 1 GB additional space for save games and created materials.
• Video Card: compatible with DirectX 9.0c, graphics card with 128 MB of video memory, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
• 9,6 GB during the installation with the game The Sims 3.
Installation Note:
1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn
3. Install the game
4. Copy crack to the Bin folder (if you do like to update + add map should be spent No-DVD crack under the hen ^ ^)
5. Play Game!

Pass unrar: NUKEM

Crack Guide:
1. The No-DVD crack you down (in the folder MF)
2. Unzip the file will be 2. MDS and. MDF
3. Use Deamon Tool to mount ISO or Ultra virtual disk
4. Play games like bt + Update (required to install EA Download Manager to update the game)

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Left 4 Dead Rip (Skulptura) NO Steam Tested

zombie kiamat. Sejujurnya​​: Anda sudah memikirkannya. Ketikamanusia sebagian besar telah berubah menjadi yg berjalan dgn kaki terseret, monster daging-lapar, bagaimana Anda makanan?Apakah Anda suka bagimu sebuah korban pemberani atau liaryang terinfeksi, Left 4 Dead adalah permainan untuk Anda.Berjuang jalan Anda melalui dunia, suram sunyi selalu tegang danmenantang, berkat, musuh tak terduga tanpa henti. Ini samamendebarkan untuk bermain sebagai salah satu dari zombie(alias terinfeksi), koordinasi penyergapan mematikan ketika Anda mencoba untuk membunuh para korban. Namun demikian, Kiri 4Dead gameplay dengan baik-crafted hanya harus berpengalaman dalam multiplayer. Manusia rekan (atau musuh) membuat setiapbermain-melalui dinamis, mengurangi dua game hang-up: petapilihan terbatas dan AI ramah bersemangat. Meskipun Hitches,Left 4 Dead adalah sangat menyenangkan, menggairahkantegang permainan yang akan membuat Anda ingin kembali kiamatlagi dan lagi.


System requirement

  • Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Vista64
  • Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Graphics: 128 MB, Shader model 2.0, ATI 9600, NVidia 6600 or better
  • Hard Drive: At least 7.5 GB of free space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
  • Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Vista64
  • Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • Graphics: Shader model 3.0, NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better

Download Disini(917.57MB)
cara instal
1. ekstrak file rar l4d di folder baru 
2. jalankan setup.bat (kurang lebih 1 jam-an tergantung kecepatan procesor)
3. enjoy